

The Prologue is an introduction to Super Quantum Mechanics (SQM), later renamed Aphysical Quantum Mechanics (AQM), a fundamentally new paradigm in quantum mechanics. The SQM (AQM) theory is fully developed in the subsequent multi-volume series titled “The Second Quantum Revolution.” This series brings a ground-breaking foundational transformation not only to quantum mechanics, but also to other branches of physics including quantum optics and particle physics.

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Volume 1

Quantum mechanics has never been completed, leaving the field with several remaining fundamental gaps and missing fundamental pieces. Aphysical Quantum Mechanics (AQM) is a deeper quantum theory and the origin of the Second Quantum Revolution. Volume One expands the understanding of quantum reality with the addition of two new fundamental categories: aphysical and elementary consciousness of elementary particles. Using the AQM Theory, Volume One details the explanation of all known and long standing quantum enigmas, including “the collapse of wave function,” and presents and explains the inner structures of the photon and the intrinsic electron of perfect geometry.

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Volume 2

Aphysical Quantum Mechanics (AQM) is a deeper quantum theory and the origin of the Second Quantum Revolution. Volume Two is devoted to the AQM photon, dramatically expanding the fundamental understanding of the photon. The photon is the quantum of the inverted electromagnetic energy with an inner structure that consists of the physical c-ring and the aphysical cylinder. The Cross-section of the c-ring is zero, explaining why the photon does not interact with other photons. The position of the c-ring relative to the aphysical cylinder is the Position Parameter, which is unique for each individual photon- no two photons are identical. A normalized length of the aphysical cylinder is a fundamental aphysical constant. There is experimental evidence (not recognized so far by quantum optics physicists) which confirms the AQM photon model and provides estimation of a value of the photon aphysical constant.

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